80 thou. White plasticard 2.0mm (9 x 12ins)

80 thou. White plasticard 2.0mm (9 x 12ins)
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Product Information

5521835 80THOU. WHITE P/CARD 2.0mm (9 x 12ins)

Plasticard, or Sheet Styrene, is an amazingly versatile material for modelling and converting.

The sheets cut easily with a hobby knife and work with both CA glue and polystyrene glue, or the very popular Plastic Weld.

Plastic card is good for repairing models or scratching building.

Also useful for creating diorama structures.

The plasticard is available either clear or white in a range of thickness from .10 thou to .80 thou.

As a rough guide .40 thou is close to 1mm.

Product Code5521835
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